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Letting go of mistakes, failure (and handshakes)

When you dwell on mistakes, you give them energy and cause them to fester in your mind. The only option to perform in the present is to clear your mind, move on and move forward. Of course, this may sound easier said than done, but you have a choice in what thoughts you focus on.

Focusing on your errors and mistakes keeps you stuck in the past and divides your attention into three parts:

1. Reliving the past.

2. Being physically present, but not mentally.

3. Trying not to repeat that mistake in the future.

How can you possibly perform your best when your focus is being split across all these different areas?

1. First recognise when you are dwelling on a past mistake you made.

2. Remind yourself that you cannot get what has happened back. It is over and behind you.

3. Refocus onto the current play. 

4. Create an achievable goal on the pitch to improve in the moment. 

5. Play on with composure and do your best with what is next.


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